Educator Discipline

The State Board of Education may take the following disciplinary actions against an educator:
  • Written reprimand, probation, suspension, or revocation of a license based on a recommendation from the Professional Licensure Standards Board for a violation of the Code of Ethics for Arkansas Educators
  • Equivalent sanctions for an educator employed under a licensure waiver for a violation of the Code of Ethics for Arkansas Educators
  • Probation, suspension, or revocation of a license based on:
Revocation of a license in another state;
  • Criminal offenses enumerated in Ark. Code Ann. § 6-17-410 (licensed and preservice teachers) and 6-17-421 (fiscal officers).  A list of the disqualifying offenses may be found in Disqualifying Offenses for Licensure and Employment in a Public School
  • A true report in the Arkansas Child Maltreatment Central Registry (Ark. Code Ann. § 6-17-410)
  • For "cause" as stated in Ark. Code Ann. § 6-17-410:
  1. Holding a license obtained by fraudulent means;
  2. Revocation of a license in another state;
  3. Test administration violations;
  4. Invalidated scores on state-mandated assessments for licensure;
  5. Failing to establish or maintain the necessary requirements and standards set forth in Arkansas law or state board rules and regulations for teacher licensure;
  6. Providing false or misleading information or failing to submit or provide information requested or required by law to the Department of Education, the state board, or Arkansas Legislative Audit;
  7. Knowingly falsifying or directing another to falsify any grade given to a student.
An educator may seek a waiver from the State Board of Education for a disqualifying offense under Ark. Code Ann. § 6-17-410.  For more information, see Requesting a Waiver.
For orders and licensure actions, visit State Board of Education Orders for PLSB and Licensure Actions.   
The suspension or revocation of a license is publicly reported to the National Association of State Directors of Teacher Education and Certification (NASDTEC) Clearinghouse. The NASDTEC member states have access to the Clearinghouse for the purpose of researching the status of an out-of-state license.  After the reinstatement of a suspended license, the reinstatement is reported to the Clearinghouse.

For more information, please contact:

Karli Saracini, Assistant Commissioner
Professional Licensure Standards Board
Arkansas Department of Education
Division of Elementary and Secondary Education
Four Capitol Mall, Rm 401-1A
Little Rock, Arkansas 72201
Office:  501-682-4095 
Fax:       501-682-3781