TESS Components Virtual Video Series
Below are short videos of Arkansas educators sharing tips and strategies for adapting TESS Components to the virtual teaching environment.
- 1B Demonstrating Knowledge of Students (3 min, 6 sec)
- 2A Creating an Environment of Respect and Rapport (11 min, 53 sec)
- 2B Establishing a Culture for Learning (4 min, 39 sec)
- 2C Managing Classroom Procedures (10 min, 26 sec)
- 2D Managing Student Behavior (14 min, 15 sec)
- 3A Communicating With Students (7 min, 59 sec)
- 3B Using Questioning and Discussion Techniques (13 min, 6 sec)
- 3C Engaging Students in Learning (11 min, 46 sec)
- 3D Using Assessment in Instruction (4 min, 12 sec)
- 4D Communicating With Families (3 min, 49 sec)
Below are videos, by TESS component, of Arkansas educators teaching lessons in a virtual environment. We encourage you to enjoy watching the entire video but pay specific attention to the times noted for the identified component.
- 3B Using Questioning and Discussion Techniques 19:57-23:09 Recording Link: https://tinyurl.com/kgibsonmath10-15-2020
- 3C Engaging Students in Learning 15:28-16:48 and 24:18-25:52 Recording Link: https://tinyurl.com/kgibsonmath10-15-2020
For more information, please contact:
Kim Wright, Educator Support and Development Advisor
Arkansas Department of Education
Division of Elementary and Secondary Education
Four Capitol Mall, Room 405B
Little Rock, AR 72201
Email: Kim.Wright@ade.arkansas.gov