Licensure Assessments

The following table represents Arkansas educator licenses, required licensure tests, test codes, and passing scores. A previous version of a licensure test may still be accepted. Speak to your licensure advisor for more information.


Current licensure rules allow for certain endorsements to be added to a standard license without an official score report reflecting passing scores on the approved licensure assessment. Applicants should reach out to their Arkansas educator preparation program for more information.

Administrator, Building (P-12) (276)School Leaders Licensure Assessment (SLLA)6990151
Administrator, Curriculum/Program (P-12) (Various)School Leaders Licensure Assessment (SLLA)6990151
Administrator, District (P-12) (277)School Superintendent Assessment (SSA)6991157
Adult Education (518)Fundamental Subjects: Content Knowledge5511148
Age 3-4 Special Education endorsement (519)Interdisciplinary Early Childhood Education5023160
Agriculture Sciences and Technology (7-12) (218)Agriculture5701134
Alternative Learning (116)Fundamental Subjects: Content Knowledge5511148
American Sign Language (K-12) (529)American Sign Language Proficiency Interview634170 (3+)
Art (K-12) (259)Art: Content Knowledge5134145
Biology/Life Science (7-12) (268)Biology5236142
Business Technology (4-12)(250)Business Education: Content Knowledge5101142
Chemistry (7-12) (133)Chemistry5246133
Chinese (Mandarin) (K-12) (708)Chinese (Mandarin): World Language5665152
Coaching endorsement (K-12) (271)Physical Education: Content Knowledge5091149
Computer Science (4-12) (528)Computer Science5652135
Drama (7-12) (113)Theatre5641154
Drama/Speech K-12 (274)Speech Communication: Content Knowledge5221141
Speech and Theatre (NEW Sept. 1, 2024)5222139
Driver Education (7-12) (417)Principles of Learning and Teaching (see list at bottom)Any PLTSee list below
Dyslexia (K-12) (527)Principles of Learning and Teaching (see list at bottom)Any PLTSee list below
Early Childhood (PK) (517)Education of Young Children5024149
Early Childhood Special Education endorsement (PreK) (519)Special Education: Early Childhood/Early Intervention5692146
Early Childhood Special Education Integrated (B-K) (252)Interdisciplinary Early Childhood Education5023160
Earth Science (7-12) endorsement K-12 (267)Earth and Space Science5572141
Educational Examiner (K-12) (241)Principles of Learning and Teaching (see list at bottom)Any PLTSee list below
Elementary (K-6) (253)Elementary Education: Multiple Subjects5001see subtest scores
Elem. Education: Mathematics Subtest5003136
Elem. Educ: Reading Lang Arts Subtest5002141
Elem. Education: Science Subtest5005139
Elem. Education: Social Studies Subtest5004137
Foundations of Reading190233
English as a Second Language (K-12) (247)English to Speakers of Other Languages5362155
English Language Arts (7-12) (166)English Language Arts: Content Knowledge5038155
Family and Consumer Science (7-12) (215)Family and Consumer Sciences (available until Sept. 1, 2025)5122140
Family and Consumer Sciences (NEW Sept. 1, 2024)5123138
French (K-12) (248)French: World Language5174149
Geometry (7-12) endorsement (118)Geometry5163129
German (K-12) (702)German: World Language5183151
Gifted and Talented endorsement (K-12) (289)Gifted Education5358151
Grade 5/6 English endorsement for secondary teachers (105)English Language Arts: Content Knowledge5038155
Grade 5/6 Math endorsement for secondary teachers (103)Mathematics5165143
Grade 5/6 Science endorsement for secondary teachers (104)Biology or5236142
Chemistry or5246133
Grade 5/6 Social Studies endorsement for secondary teachers (106)Social Studies: Content Knowledge5081155
Guidance/Counseling (K-12) (initial and endorsement) (288)School Counselor5422146
Industrial Technology (7-12) (212)Technology Education (available until Sept. 1, 2025)5051147
Technology & Engineering Education (NEW Sept. 1, 2024)5053 
Instructional Facilitator (K-12) (521)Principles of Learning and Teaching (see list at bottom)Any PLTSee list below
Japanese (K-12) (704)Japanese: World Language5661144
Journalism (7-12) (108)Journalism5224140
Latin (K-12) (706)Latin: World Language5601161
Library Media Specialist (K-12) (286)School Librarian5312141
Marketing Technology (7-12) (222)Marketing Education5561156
Mathematics (7-12) (200)Mathematics5165143
Middle Childhood English (4-8) (255)Middle School English Language Arts5047153
Middle Childhood Mathematics (4-8) (254)Middle School Mathematics5164141
Middle Childhood Science (4-8) (257)Middle School Science5442140
Middle Childhood Social Studies (4-8) (256)Middle School Social Studies5089149
Music Instrumental (262) and Vocal (265) (K-12)Music: Content Knowledge5113152
Music Instrumental (K-12) (262)Music: Instrumental and General Knowledge5115138
Music Vocal (K-12) (265)Music: Vocal and General Knowledge5116140
Online Teaching endorsement (K-12) (115)Online Teaching Endorsement-Pass/Fail
ParaprofessionalParaPro Assessment1755457
Physical Education and Health (K-12) (500)Health and Physical Education: Content Knowledge5857149
Physics (7-12) (135)Physics5266133
Physics/Mathematics (7-12) (251)Physics5266133
Reading Specialist (K-12) endorsement (287)Reading Specialist5302160
Russian (K-12)Russian: World Language5671119
School Psychology Specialist (K-12) (272)School Psychologist5403155
Social Studies (7-12) (167)Social Studies: Content Knowledge (available until Sept. 1, 2025)5081155
Social Studies (NEW Sept. 1, 2024)5581141
Spanish (K-12) (710)Spanish: World Language5195156
Special Education (K-12) (258)Special Education: Foundational Knowledge (NEW Sept 1, 2024)5355132
Foundations of Reading190233
Fundamental Subjects: Content Knowledge5511148
Special Education Hearing Specialist (K-12) (285)Special Education: Education of Deaf and Hard of Hearing Students5272160
Special Education: Foundational Knowledge (NEW Sept 1, 2024)5355132
Special Education Resource (K-6, 7-12) (Various)Special Education: Foundational Knowledge (NEW Sept 1, 2024)5355132
Special Education Visual Specialist (K-12) (284)Special Education: Teaching Students With Visual Impairments5282163
Special Education: Foundational Knowledge (NEW Sept 1, 2024)5355132
Speech (7-12) (114)Speech Communication: Content Knowledge5221141
Speech-Language Pathologist (K-12) (273)Speech-Language Pathology5331162
Various Licensure Areas Listed AbovePrinciples of Learning and Teaching: Early Childhood5621157
Principles of Learning and Teaching: Grades 5-95623160
Principles of Learning and Teaching: Grades 7-125624157
Principles of Learning and Teaching: Grades K-65622160



Updated 10/2023

Approved Higher Educator Preparation Programs of Study

Praxis and School Leadership Series Assessments

Educational Testing Service (ETS) develops and produces the Praxis Series Assessments and the School Leadership Series Assessments. These tests measure subject-specific content knowledge, as well as general and subject-specific teaching skills for beginning educators and administrators.

Foundations of Reading (190)

This test complies with Act 416 of 2017 that requires a person applying in those two licensure areas to pass a stand-alone assessment of the essential components of beginning reading instruction based on the science of reading. For more information on the Foundations of Reading assessment including the Arkansas cut score, visit the Arkansas Foundations of Reading website or consult your educator preparation provider.

Online Teaching Endorsement

The Online Teaching Assessment is an evidence-based performance assessment designed for candidates seeking to add the online teaching endorsement to an Arkansas educator license. The online teaching endorsement is an exception area endorsement and requires an approved program of study along with this assessment. See Online Teaching Endorsement approved programs.

For more information, please contact:

Michael K. Rowland, Educator Workforce Data Program Advisor
Arkansas Department of Education
Division of Elementary and Secondary Education
Educator Effectiveness/Licensure
4 Capitol Mall
Little Rock, AR 72201
Office: 501-682-1146
Fax: 501-682-5118


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