Opportunity Culture Schools
Extending the Reach of Excellent Teaching to All Students, Every Year
Opportunity Culture extends the reach of excellent teachers and their teams to more students, for more pay, within recurring budgets.
Teachers can advance in their careers without leaving the classroom, through career opportunities based on excellence, student impact, and leadership. Advancement allows teachers to earn more and reach more students, and development toward excellence becomes possible for all staff, in every role. The virtuous cycle of excellence can begin with educator prep and continue through teaching, teacher leadership and the principalship.
Opportunity Culture Principles:
Teams of teachers and school leaders must choose and tailor models to:
- Reach more students with excellent teachers and their teams
- Pay teachers more for extending their reach
- Fund pay within regular budgets
- Provide protected in-school time and clarity about how to use it for planning, collaboration, and development
- Match authority and accountability to each person’s responsibilities
Congratulations to the 2020-2021 new pilot schools in Lincoln High School, Crossett, Osceola, Brinkley, and Earle.
To learn more about Opportunity Culture, visit http://opportunityculture.org/
Watch the video What Could You Do in an Opportuinty Culture School?
Featured Articles
- In Lincoln, Arkansas, Multi-Classroom Leaders Guide the Way on At-Home Learning
- When Learning Went Home, Newly Named Multi-Classroom Leaders Jumped In
OpportunityCulture.org; Copyright Public Impact
For more information, please contact:
Darlene Kirkpatrick, M.Ed, NBCT
Arkansas Department of Education
Division of Elementary and Secondary Education
Four Capitol Mall, Room 108B
Little Rock, AR 72201
office: 501-683-1524
Email: Darlene.kirkpatrick@ade.arkansas.gov